Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties representing a marketing war that targeted women who are probably in their late 30s – 40s now….

These corporations don’t give a fuck about you, about your prosperity, and they even own the governments that control you, tax you, and ALLOW them to put chemicals in your foods….I saw something about McDonalds or maybe it was all Fast Foods having actual plastic in the fo that peple are giving kids…the plastics linked to smaller BALLS bro…no joke…I heard it today…AVOID THE POISON…

So yeah, they told ladies that their panties weren’t good enough, weren’t hot enough, and you know they blamed white guys for that pressure they felt to make the right PANTY choice, you know you don’t want to get hit by a car and have the paramedic see you in period panties, so THONG UP LADIES….

A good old fashioned panty burn, that’ll make you panty lovers as angry as book lovers and freedom fighters at a book burn, you know SO MUCH potential panty soup could be made with all those full back panties….

But trust your overlords, they really care about you…or at least controlling you…from your bank accounts, to when you see your family, to where you can and can’t work, taxing you, charging you insane interest rates, you know all this societal norms that have nothing to do with actual humanity…it’s EVIL and if they come after your underwear, they could easily come after your kids, so keep those eyes open fool…

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day October 29th, 2021