Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I started this site 17 or 18 years ago, which I know is pretty embarrassing, but it was my way to check out of society because I wasn’t really into the way the world worked at the time and figured I’d do my own thing, as humiliating as it may be…

So I’ve been 17 or 18 years into hating society and back then, there were still Christian moral and values that made the great divide between the “elite” or the “rich” or the perceived rich and elite, a little less obvious….but people were all chasing that same evil money and would lie, steal and say “it’s just business”….garbage.

In the last 17 or 18 years, there’s been a technological attack on people that has destroyed their Christian values and the two class system is just more fucking obvious than ever…

When you see clips of rich and famous and important people preaching bullshit at the average person about climate change or covid or whatever it is, and blatantly not following the same rules and regulations, throwing away the lead by example we’ve been told is the best way to lead, otherwise you look like a fucking hypocrite asshole sitting on your palace, private jet, motorcade, yacht, or all of the above…carting from mansion to mansion as you figure out more ways to suppress, to alienate, to control, to manipulate the masses because you’re a fucking psychopath, hence how you got rich in the first place…assuming it wasn’t handed to you by your family…

What I am saying is….don’t fear checking out of society and building your own community with likeminded people to preserve the Christian values that were the foundation of society…

The world was still a shitty place, but a better place when only 1 percent of the population were satanic lying criminals in their lawless and corrupt lives….they kept it under the radar and to themselves…

Yet here we are, seeing it everyday on social media and accepting that THEY deserve what they have and WE deserved to be controlled.

The funny thing in all this is that they blame tech, but when I started the site we could do ALL the same things online functionally. It’s all the behind the scenes shit like tracking, monetizing, data collecting where tech’s really gone nutty….

That off grid farm is lookin’ pretty good right about now…I’ve checked out once, paid the price of not getting paid out, but was rewarded in my soul….

So I encourage you all to do the same thing, the status quo may be comfortable, but it’s never going to be what it was…those times are over and we do need that reset, just not THEIR criminal, bought, scumbag reset that doesn’t give a fuck about the human experience….but you should…assuming you’re human and not Russian Spam Bot making me think I am more popular than I am…which is not very popular…insignificant and invisible is the level of popular I am…but those RUSSIAN SPAM BOTS think I’m less invisible…

Here are some morning links….

Bebe Rexha’s Slutty Costumes!


Instagram Model Terann Hilow Supports the Astros in a Thong


Taylor Brumann in a Classic Playboy Shoot Looking Hot as Shit – Is Playboy Back? We’ll See.


In Case You Missed It – Britney Spears Plays Dead


Alec Baldwin is a Monster – He’s Acting His Way Through This Terribly


Kids Find Out Their Mom Got Cummed In


People Tripping Onto the Court


Mike Zimmer’s Girlfriend on the Sidelines…


Fat Cop Get Outrun


Dude Figures out a MAJOR life Hack


Here are some Cam Girls to Jack off To


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day November 2nd, 2021