Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Someone told me that the Trumpers and the far right is going to be the fall of the world obviously because of Virginia going RED because people want to protect their kids…and I laughed for a few reasons…

The first being that we are in Canada and already compromised, so who the fuck cares about America at this point, we’ve got our own issues that are far worse because we don’t have the Trumpers or Far Right to defend our freedoms since everyone is a complicit fuck…no wonder Americans have such fucking egos, everyone is obsessed with them…

The second being that Trump isn’t the President and raging at last year’s problems is not a progressive way to move forward, you should instead look at the fucking people running shit now and worry about those motherfuckers…and maybe the other INSANE shit they are trying to push on us….

The third being that the no “leader” is an actual leader, they are all compromised which is why they are in politics to begin with… to think one person who was in office represents all that is bad in the world is some Hollywood Brainwashing shit….I mean when the one person you’re worried about is golfing in Florida as I write this….he’s probably not the evil you’re looking for, maybe the evil used him to push their plan, but he’s hardly the fucking problem.

MOST IMPORTANTLY….what they call the “far right” are the people trying to save the fucking world against the far left woke agenda that is fucking clown world…and going to be end of civilization….you know they respect the constitution that you were given to protect your freedom and your self governing right….while the other side is faking white supremacist events to blame on the far right.

So choose your poison, all sides are bad, because they are a distraction from the real enemy, which is one group trying to divide people so they can fight amongst themselves…So hating TRUMP or the “far right” is just bullshit propaganda to prevent you from uniting and hating the real EVIL that’s coming after you…and after your kids….

It’s clear to see the side that is worse right now…if you had to choose sides….but I always suggest choosing FREEDOM….choosing personal freedoms….choosing personal civil rights….choosing less overlords….less taxes…less baby sitting on my ass cuz I’m not lubed up or into getting aids….

My anus is my ancestors anus…meaning this asshole has lived before….and knows better…


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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day November 3rd, 2021