I like to think the cameltoe is the passive aggressive strategy of the woman who is secretly mad that the transgenders are moving in on their turn in an actual threat far greater than TOXIC MASCULINITY…
You know, a bunch of dudes who can’t get pussy rating girls they see in movies based on their tits, because it’s all they got….is not a fucking threat to women.
Or a big corporations using sex to sell products, because it’s easy, and people appreciate good looking things being sexualized…is not a fucking threat to women.
I would argue that women, at their core, under all that noise and confusion from external factors, probably get turned on by dudes being dudes, even lame dudes being dudes, because they like tits….rather than the male feminist cuck who wants to watch them have sex with a dick bigger than theirs…
I am not a woman, so I don’t really know what goes through their mind, but I am sure no hot chicks out there are really that mad that they get benefits for being hot….maybe doors held open, maybe men hitting them up to date, or fuck….it’s actually a fucking compliment…
So the whole misogyny and toxic masculinity thing is actually welcomed, you know that masculine energy is important for the species..
The real threat is men saying they are women, acting like women, and society embracing them as women by taking things AWAY from women and given to them…because they are the bigger victims. or whatever.
Since people can’t say that, since it would be considered a hate crime, or could get them cancelled, they hit the streets, pussy eating their shorts so ya’ll know – they are woman, hear them roar..