Brie Larson is way too fucking hyped and I think it’s a prime example of how the media lies to us about basically everything.
I know her fan boys are blinded by her or how they marketed her, and they may even think her small and boring ass doing fitness as it likely does everyday because she’s got a career as a shitty comic character in shitty movies made for CHINA…because that’s where they placed her when they decided to let her win the OSCAR.
They need the big pay day ticket items, and she just happens to be the one of the era, but never before has it been so obvious that the system is fucking rigged, because even with all her money, access, and celebrity…she feels like that desperate attention seeking bottom feeder she was before the Oscar…releasing pop songs, doing shitty movies, just being shitty.
She’s pretty old now, which is probably why she doubles down on the fitness, all while remaining totally unimpressive…
If you look at her with a clear mind – you’ll see the lie right in front of you…or you can just look at her ass and appreciate the skinny musculature of it..which is really why I am posting it…IT IS ABOUT THE ASS not the ASSHOLE who OWNS the ass…