Hailee Steinfeld Looking Hot of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld’s vastly improved….

She’s in a little black dress as a tribute to being just a little black…

Let’s make it about race up in here, since everything is about race…right…

I am sure Steinfeld’s has had many struggles due to her race..

I doubt that no one gave a fuck about her being part black before this most recent revolution that is hardly a revolution in pop culture….but I hope she uses that black card as hard as she can to get the roles she deserves because she’s looking better than ever and that’s really what matters..

So to re-iterate…Hailee Steinfeld is a FEMALE (we assume), Part Filipino so she’s got the ASIAN, part Black, Jewish now all she needs is an obscure sexuality, maybe a learning disability, a physical ailment, maybe a genetic disorder….like ALOPECIA…hairless and luxurious…how about an addiction, eating disorder and she can rise to the top of the VICTIMHOOD charts…it’s got value…

Hailee Steinfeld Looking Hot of the Day November 5th, 2021