Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Here are some medical workers doing what they can to set up a new business, that will likely be a more lucrative business, than their current business working as a medical worker, because they KNOW that the demons are coming after them with vaccine mandates.

They cancelled the medical worker mandates here, likely because it will collapse the whole industry that a society needs in a pandemic. I am not sure if the same approach is being taken in the USA, but we’ll hope that the medical workers, marketed as heroes are not going to have our backs turned on them, for nonsense, shitty science and medical tyranny….BODY AUTONOMY is the key to freedom and ANY freedom lover will agree….vaccinated or not….and if someone you know is against medical freedom, then you should tell them they suck and never talk to them again…ALIENATE the losers is what I say.

I don’t know if these are vaccinated or unvaccinated ladies being hot during their medical work, I don’t know if they are trying to fight the mandates by making money being internet sluts. I don’t know these fucking people, I’m just glad it is happening, even if naked at the Hospital even before COVID was gross…like the THRIFT STORE….that shit grossed me out pre-pandemic….and so do Hospitals…I don’t know why it took a pandemic for people to realize how gross everyone is.

Point of the story, here are some heroes, not necessarily because of their day job, but because they get naked on the internet..

Medical Worker Monday of the Day November 8th, 2021