Milf Monday of the Day

I am going to assume that this AUTUMN MIST MILF being funny with her pumpkins took this picture before Halloween to get into the spirit the right way. I am a big fan of the slutty or cheeky ladies pretending anything is their tits.

I get that it’s pretty moronic like the elementary school games that Jimmy Fallon has been commissioned to push onto the mainstream to keep them half retarded and child-like, so that the evil regime can manipulate people more easily…..I mean any grown person into watching pin the tail on the Donkey, musical chairs or some other shit, unless they’re a creepy school teacher or bus driver who are way too into kids that they’ve made a career out of it, or other perverts, is pretty dumb…

BUT….a lady pretending anything, from produce to blown up balloons, to beach balls, or even tennis balls are her tits to make a joke…GENIUS…without having to be an actual genius…

Anyway, I am assuming that all the mainstream moms out there, not too sure how mainstream nude modeling is for moms, maybe it’s still edgy and for the fun ones….but assuming it is mainstream. than I am shocked her house isn’t deocrated for X-Mas like the local TARGET because middle of the road people, do middle of the road things, like buy shit they don’t need 2 months in advance and not even because of supply chain issues, but because they are manipulated by consumerism…

I love Christmas…and think about it every day of the year…but seeing all these suburbanites decorating their shit now…is just too much of a department store hustle that all I see is trash…

SO KEEP THE PUMPKINS going until THANKSGIVING fools, and here are a bunch of self proclaimed MILFs doing MILF shit that is hotter now that MILFS are 20 years younger than me….because there was a time I was scared of MILFs…NO MORE….I HAVE OVERCOME!

Milf Monday of the Day November 8th, 2021