Jordyn Jones Ass of the Day

Jordyn Jones’ is a child dancing reality show star where she played one of the children….I don’t fuck with that kind of content and I am shocked it even exists but thanks to Jordyn Jones and Maddie Ziegler now being 18 and slutty….I know those shows exist and I know that the stars they create grow up to a very unique kind of slut…

You know sold to the industry for the worst low hanging fruit shit, but for whatever reason it led to tons of social media followers, that they can now sell shitty product to through sleazy content, the sleazier you get the more the sell and thus the more money they make.

You know dreams of fame filling the void in their soul with likes and follows like all these motherfuckers out there.

Jordyn Jones is a little trashy and even sells exclusive slutty content to her fans.

I don’t know if this has anything to do with that feed, but it’s a pretty impressive booty in sweatpants show….like adult dancers, this child dancer who is now an adult, has the flexibility, fitness and musculature you’d want a girl you are jerking off to have..


Jordyn Jones Ass of the Day November 10th, 2021