Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

What kind of mental case hall monitor narc snitch fuck is working the COVID COORDINATOR on sets, in stores, at offices around the world…

I get that there’s money to be made and sell outs of the world exist, but there has to be a point where this motherfucker realizes his hand sanitizer station, his mask demands, his wiping surfaces one wet nap at a time, is not life saving measures, he’s not a hero…he’s a fucking actor, in this covid theater.

You have to come to some sort of realization that you’re an idiot, that people are acting insane, and that fearing death is a waste of time, since we all die.

Every mask you wear, every breath you struggle to take, every shot you inject which will never be enough, is not going to fucking save you from life, stop being such a fucking pussy…

The more people go along with it, or get paid to go along with it, like the COVID coordinator, a glorified club bathroom attendant, less interesting because he’s not offering me mouthwash and cologne for a tip, not that there are men’s rooms anymore…just THEY STATIONS….

It’s obviously just “Sheep Dogging” you know, unlike DOGGING, it’s “Sheep Dogging”….herding the sheep.

I was at the grocery store, as I do, it’s my only outting, a fat fuck’s gotta eat….and a double masked, face shield grocery store customer with surgical gloves on like a scared 4 year old, was so fucking scared to pass me in an aisle…

I know what you’re thinking, it must have been a brainwashed and abused 5 year old with shitty parents, but no, it was an older dude, not an old dude, but maybe 45 year old…and I was like grow up you pussy, why so scared of the grocery store…GERMS…..

It’s clearly a mass psychosis when behavior that would be deemed psychotic a few years ago…is something these people aren’t ashamed to do in public…when they fucking should be. At a certain point ppl need to realize they are insane…

It’s all just theatre at this point. Not very good Theatre but no theatre is really that good. Stop participating in this bullshit.

Stop being complicit fucks. It’s lunacy and you’re eating the bait and I know someone out there is laughing at you, cuz I am one of them..

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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day November 10th, 2021