Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I was reading some conspiracy that basically outlined that all of the famous actresses are actually born men and part of some big scam to confuse people.

I wouldn’t say that it is totally impossible, because for the entirety of this site I’ve called these celebs out for not being nearly as hot as they are marketed as.

I also know where there is money, there is a lot of fucking weirdness, and Hollywood is about the money…lots of money…so what we think we know may just be an elaborate troll. As someone who has been on the internet as long as I have, I wouldn’t be all that shocked or really all that mad since I don’t jack off to celebs like you do.

Anyway, in the conspiracy they mentioned the CAMELTOE prosthetic that is available on amazon for the average consumer looking to dupe dudes into thinking there’s a cunt under those balls and I figure that technology had to start somewhere, like most trends, that somewhere may have been HOLLYWOOD.

So you can’t always trust the cameltoe, but sometimes you just need to trust the cameltoe, because pussy eating pants, underwear, shorts, basically anything…showing off the pussy in full glory through the pants…is pretty fucking great.

These cameltoes, which we’ll assume are on women, it’s all a matter of perception, are fucking great.

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day November 10th, 2021