Frog Butt Friday of the Day

Women in FROG BUTT pose are more interesting than actual frog butts.

You know some masterful enterprising internet slut out there likely came across a frog on one of her influencer trips, sugar baby trips, you know to a tropical place or maybe a Cabin in the woods upstate when the sugar daddy’s wife was at the Florida house…bored and trying to be present for her paying customer…forced to not look at her phone but to look at the nature around her…only to come across a frog and think “I can do that better”….spawning a whole trend that so many babes partake in….

These are some frog butts, or girls in the frog butt pose, on knees, back arched, ass out, not quite what frogs in the wild do…but we’ll take it for not being scientifically or biologically accurate…since we don’t take science or biology serious in ANY other aspect of our lives…


Frog Butt Friday of the Day November 12th, 2021