Heidi Klum Ass of the Day

It must suck to be a woman Heidi Klum’s age and having to live up to the new standard of what near 50 year old women should look like because most old as shit women can’t pull this off.

I guess you could argue that when Heidi Klum was a top model, she was already substantially hotter than the girls her age. Husbands would look at her VS work and jerk off instead of fucking their wife because pornography has been ruining the sanctitude of marriage for a long time, but I would argue that when the now 50 year olds were 30, they were substantially hotter then than they are now….while KLUM pretty much stayed the fucking same…

The weird thing about her is that she does the whole slutty influencer thing where she shows off her body, but I guess when you’ve built an empire being a whore they pretend is a top model, you just keep it going.

I’ve been to many stripclubs, with many old ladies stripping because that’s all they know….hell, I run a blog no one reads despite blogs being an outdated concept because it is all I know…so I get it on a level, and more importantly, when looking this good, it’d be wrong for her to not show off the power of NAZI EUGENICS programs that we’ll assume made her….was she made in a lab? I don’t know her backstory but I’ll assume she was since nothing is real.


Heidi Klum Ass of the Day November 18th, 2021