Fishnet Friday of the Day

I know what you pronoun in your bio on your LINKEDIN or TWITTER dudes are thinking when you look at these fishnets on girls…and that is that it’s so disgusting to see women feel the need to sexualize herself for that male validation by wrapping herself in a tool used to catch fish…

You apologist motherfuckers, sorry for being a fucking man, and the toxic masculinity you’ve been involved in over the years and that you now apologize for.

It’s like this dude I see on social media who used to write a titty blog, championing the woke movement to fit in, probably hoping no one realizes he used to TALK about tits.

I don’t know when everyone turned into a pussy but I still like pussy and encourage more girls to show the pussy…or the fishnets…why the fuck not…that’s what the people want and clearly what the ladies want to do…stop ruining the fuck male feminist cuck…no one respects a pussy that’s not an actual PUSSY…

Fishnet Friday of the Day November 19th, 2021