Lottie Moss Panty Flash of the Day

You can throw out all those iconic Kate Moss pop culture moments from an era where models were exciting, interesting, or at least involved in less shameless shit than the girls of today self producing their shit….which I think is the real reason the whole “Influncer” or “Instagram Model” concept sucks…

In the mid 90s, when HipHop wasn’t mainstream and satanic, the only model content we saw were from fashion mags or paparazzi. They may have been industry dick suckers trying to get ahead through head, but it wasn’t done in public. So the shoots, the publicity stunts, all seemed less contrived…

The internet has exposed us to the real flaw in celebrity, which is that behind every famous bitch is a bitch who really wants to be famous and will do anything for it, because fame is seen as a good thing, not an evil thing, and a means to an end financially, because once famous, even for a minute, you get paid….

So with every selfie they take, every hashtag they use, ever celeb they interact with, is just contrived bullshit to get your eyeballs on them, instead of some other chick you don’t give a fuck about, because they are on the screen and not on your dick..

There was a semi-interesting storyline to follow when we only dealt with celebs through the media…not that they were more interesting or more important then, I’ve always said worshipping celebrities is bullshit and you need to have a life, but now people are worshipping non celebs like they are celebs, even though they aren’t…and that’s too bad….it gives people egos who shouldn’t have egos.

Looking at Lottie Moss, who is a Moss in name and not in body, isn’t as interesting as her sister’s iconic work, but different era means different hustle, means showing your panties on the internet to send people to your subscription site where you sell nudes…

It’s all so transactional, the mysticism gone….and that’s ok, cuz we get butt shots, straight to the fucking point butt shots. A win.


Lottie Moss Panty Flash of the Day November 22nd, 2021