Weed Wednesday of the Day

I was just watching some hippie talk about how people think they only use 10 percent of their brain, because the 10 percent of the brain they focus on is the shit like watching porn, jerking off, making money, working, maybe being creative, you know shit like that….while the other 90 percent is their connection to the fucking universe through consciousness, which is apparently what the people at the top don’t want you to fucking have, because with consciousness you don’t let them bully you around as much, or reduce you to some useless eating host body that mooches off the system more than contributing to the system, which is why they hate you….

I also watched some documentary on how WEED is God’s plant, that was the name of the documentary, because we have CBD receptors or some shit, so we are designed to accept and merge with cannibanoids or whatever the fuck, I am an alcoholic, I don’t know this shit…

I am just saying that them wanting us to drink, become angry, to become dumb, to become poisoned as alochol is a life ruining neurotoxin….that literally destroys your fucking brain and doesn’t give you some higher consciousness when consuming it, even though I’d argue the only good times I had were drunk, I don’t remember them, but I remember them being funny….which I guess is not really the soul searching a motherfucker needs if you forget the enlightenment…

So anyway, hippie shit, connect to your soul shit, develop a higher consciousness, realize you’re more than just a host body designed to be shit on by the system, and live your best fucking life, like these girls gettting naked for their love of WEED….

Weed Wednesday of the Day November 24th, 2021