Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Don’t Over Indulge this Thanksgiving. Fat is Death.

I find it funny that the Thanksgiving haters, the ones who hate your country or what the country did to the natives, which we can all agree is fucking crazy, especially when the native way of life seems like one that’s a little more communal, collaborative and free….but yeah, we’re here, we’ve been here, this is the car we’ve been dealt and liking your country doesn’t mean you like the bloodshed that got you that country….

That’s not what I find funny, what I find funny is that people who hate the country for what they did to the natives, who hate thanksgiving because of what they think it represents, which is not “GIVING THANKS”….even though all I’ve ever been told is that it was about “GIVING THANKS”….but I guess that was just propaganda…and this other narrative isn’t…

I’ll get to what I find funny…hold on….

Ok….I find it funny that those people are the same people who love big daddy government taking care of them, telling them to mask, or what medicines to take, or where they can go, how they can go there because RICH LAWYERS know best….since ALL lawyers I’ve ever met are actual pieces of money grubbing shit…

So these anti American Americans, are the same people bending over and taking gov’t dick up their ass while calling people into Freedom the Fascists and not the people putting in these mandates and passports…

Point being, ENJOY your thanksgiving and ignore the whining family members who are alienating you for whatever reason, they just hate life and suck….and remember the good days when your only fear was your Aunt Ethel trying to make you eat her out after she shit her diaper….playing a little THANKSGIVING TURKEY STUFFING of her own…her skin as cold, clammy, dimpled, and flappy…..TIGHTER than a parachute…being towed behind a truck….

Here are some morning Links…

Hot Fucking Bikini Model


Steelers Fan Blames Tie Against the Lions for His Death in His Obituary


Big Titty Caylee Cowan is Casey Affleck’s New Girlfriend…


When was the last time the Detroit Lions won on Thanksgiving?


I think this is old – but Weather Man has a Freakout


Magic Box Scare Prank


Smuggling Migrants in Mattresses


Cam Sluts are the Best Sluts…


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day November 25th, 2021