Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

What’s NU?! LOL. RIGHT!!

Fear Mongerers are hard a work and it is working, but I guess when you have everything

You are the Slave class, I mean you finance the people who make laws against you. That’s fun….pay the RAPIST to use more force….COULD YOU TRY FUCKING ME WITH THAT BASEBALL BAT instead of your microdick…

I know what you’re thinking, this can’t be some orchestrated plan from some mysterious group of people…and maybe you’re right…it is all just coincidences…but we have no power and I guess have no choice but to wait and die.

At least we can try to have a good time while doing it….I mean they did bring us Fentanyl, right….maybe that was by design to. I guess that depends on whether you believe in coincidences or not. I don’t.

I hope you’re still rocking positive Thanksgiving vibes and the CUCK men in family didn’t give you vaccine speeches…or the blue or pink haired woke relatives who are on hormones didn’t give you some downer story about giving thanks is giving a nod to the people who killed and stole for the native land…

Native American genocide makes me fucking sick, did you see what they are doing to the aboriginals in Australia? Google it….it’s crazy…

I guess we are at the point of global genocide by the same people who orchestrated Native American genocide.

Build that tax farm. This is a 500 year project, not some response to a flu…

Do you know who funded colonization? They funded it through a corporation that still exists today called the Hudson Bay Company. They hired goons, armys, and gave the natives they were trying to buy or steal land from small pox blankets…it is all documented, but no one cares….

So the same people mad at you for not wanting to get into a corporate tracking system through medicine, are the people mad at you for wanting to eat Turkey and talk Football on Thanksgiving….

I do wish the natives protected their land better..the Mecca would be here…

Here are some morning links…while we all slowly get killed off….

Hot Golfer has an Only Fans


Lily Rose Depp and Keira Knightley


Elsa Hosk Hot Tits


How your Celebs Spent Thanksgiving


Teenager Manages To Catch 2-Year-Old Girl Falling Out The Window Of A House


9 Fastest Workers in Japan…


Horse Gets a Haircut


Crazy Fights And Madness During 2019 Black Friday Sale


Sarah Snyder does the Look Back


Support the Cam Girls to Support This Site…


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day November 26th, 2021