They Find Their Non Binary Genitals of the Day

I can’t confirm or deny that this is a recently proclaimed THEY trying to mooch off the whole trans trend due to brain damage from an opiate overdose….but we’ll run with it.

The camera phone was the gateway to sex work, even if the nudes are just for their own collection and not transactional, but when you have an ego and get off to yourself, taking that selfie for someone to jack off to, is the fetish…NEVER enough attention….as they chase that dopamine release.

When you’re accomplished, rich, it’s just never enough because the broken is deep in her core. You gotta blame the industry really, but I still blame her.

Either way, a THEY pussy, if this is THEIR pussy, looks a lot like a lady pussy.


They Find Their Non Binary Genitals of the Day December 3rd, 2021