Alessandra Ambrosio Nude of the Day

I don’t know when Alessandra Ambrosio turned into a horse, maybe she’s been on that IVERMECTIN horse paste to prevent COVID because her people in Brazil have warned her that the vaccine is a kill shot and that COVID is the biggest crime against humanity that these people under the control of the Globalists will never REALIZE because they are hynotized… know since Brazil isn’t on their program….

But bitch’s head is looking a little longer than usual…

It could be that she’s a cloned version of herself, which would make sense since she’s old as shit and has been looking better than she ever had which goes against the natural aging process….but I don’t see why they’d bother cloning her…when they can just human traffick another one of her from Brazil…

Either way, she’s nude in bed…..and luckily there’s a pic of her standing nude, where her face looks a little less EQUINE….since I’m more into horses for riding, like a cowboy, not sexually…


Alessandra Ambrosio Nude of the Day December 8th, 2021