Taylor Hill Lingerie of the Day

Taylor Hill is a stupidly popular Victoria’s Secret model and for whatever reason, I just don’t give a fuck about her….that’s not to say I give a fuck about any of these people…but I do cycle through a lot of the same bitches I find barely interesting enough to post on this site and Taylor Hill’s NEVER on my fucking roster of bitches to scope out….even though she’s hot….because I guess she’s boring….but when you strip any girl down like Victoria’s Secret did to this one all those years because SHE looks like this…they all become interesting….NEVER enough bitches in LINGERIE even when every bitch is posting pics of themselves in lingerie like there aren’t levels to the fucking game….but I am committed to still stare…like a Christian it is my duty to stand by the lingerie pics of the boring, the basic, the plain, the ugly, the mutated, the burn victim, lepers and HERPE faced….the fat, the real fat…the REAL REAL FUCKING HOW THE FUCK IS THAT THING ALIVE MORBID OBESE….the amputated, the downs syndrome, the vile and disgusting….the old as shit…the poor as shit…the rich as shit…the covered in shit….

You get what I am saying here…I’ll look at them in lingerie…I am resilient…I am capable…and I’m just getting started with Taylor…and her BOY’s name.



Taylor Hill Lingerie of the Day December 9th, 2021