Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I know the world or the evil people in the world with far too much power are way out of control and are really fucking destroying all aspects of our “Christian” democracy, that I am sure was never a real democracy, but they laid low and were subtle in their evil.

Now they are out here trying to kill us off and put them in their mark of the beast systems to control us, which in the event you don’t realize, is not really what GOD has intended for us since we’ve been given this amazing world, with everything we need and only really answer to him.

This may sound crazy but….

If you haven’t reconnected with GOD you should probably try to reconnect with GOD because this is a war on spirituality, good vs evil and if you don’t see it, you’re still brainwashed, stuck in a pile of porn or who the fuck knows what…but the brainwashing by EVIL is happening.

It took me realizing that these other motherfuckers are aligned with Satan or Lucifer, or whatever devil they consider to be their god, and behave accordingly…and I want NOTHING to do with them, so I’m over here with GOD.

It may sound really crazy to some of you non-believers and that’s OK, but for your sake I hope you find good.

Anyway, you may be wondering why I’m talking GOD, and it’s pretty simple….

People seem to think KANYE WEST, the most MK ULTRA’ed talents out there, who CLEARLY made a deal with the devil, made sacrifices for the devil, has misrepresenting Jesus like someone compromised by the DEVIL since his first album….maybe he made a deal after that car accident that propelled him to super stardom…

Dude is married to a Kardashian, who represent all that is evil in society…and are manipulating kids through their spell that they probably have him under…

This part is where it gets officially hugely fucking crazy….when you discount me like you have for years when I didn’t talk God….

So last night, he did a benefit concert with Drake, where he had his Gospel Choir singing that Jesus is King….and I wondered why a satanic figure would say that and I remembered it was because he named himself Yeezus and likely thinks HE is king…

It was broadcast on Amazon and I asked God “Is this legit, is this guy actually into Jesus as he performs on Satanic Saturn” and when I opened my eyes, Drake, a Jewish guy with a Crucifix was in the frame….which I took as a sign from God saying “These motherfuckers are FAKING It.

Now I know how crazy that sounds, but it fucking happened and I am considering it to be a religious experience and message from God, if you ask, he will answer….

So I googled it to see if Drake was Christian, knowing he was Jewish…and the first thing that came up was a TMZ story about how he wears a crucifix despite being a Jew…not for religious reasons.

Then Drake hopped on stage, like the fake fuck that I know he is, because I am from Canada and know his whole career has been an “act”….and Drake’s first song was some God song, remembering their God is Satan….and motherfucker did the fucking DEVIL HORN hand signs….

NOW, not the most aggressive analysis of Kanye, you know DEEP dig journalism based on me thinking GOD answered my question but I can GUARANTEE that motherfucker pretends he’s for Jesus, but that’s part of the fucking corrupting the people….

You probably don’t care about this pop culture shit, or Kanye shit, or God shit, or Good VS evil shit, but I’m going to tell you about it anyway…since I have nothing else going on and I truly believe God answered my question and it was exhilerating…

NOW TO THE PORN…because you know we’re humans and flawed….but don’t choose Satan…finding God is the most freeing and amazing feeling, so I’ll fucking run with it…

Here are some stepLINKS…

Traci Callahan is Enjoying the Beach Vibes in Brazil Thong Ass


Remember You’ve Been Duped by Jussie Case – the Mainstream Media Lies to You Simple Minds


Colleen Coles in Lingerie Hottie!


Miley Cyrus Takes The Tonight Show Stage!


Charley Hull’s Family Vacation Looks Like a Good Time


Comcast to create British version of SNL


The Hindenburg Disaster With Color Restoration


5 Good Old Back To School Magic Tricks To Impress Everyone!


Giovanni Georgio Meme On The Man Who Professionally Got Rid Of The Snake!


Lighting Fireworks Under Ice On A Frozen Lake!


Cam Girls are Amazing – FUCK EM with TIPS…


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day December 10th, 2021