Jordyn Jones Tesla of the Day

I am a firm believer than anyone who buys into the whole TESLA HYPE is some digital cuck middle of the road loser who just does what they are told, or what they think they are supposed to do, instead of what is actually cool.

That’s not to say that Tesla’s aren’t fast and fun to drive, not that I’ve ever driven one, it’s to say that the lie that Electric Vehicles will save climate change is pretty hilarious, you still need to build a fucking car, find the minerals for the batteries, dispose of the batteries, and charge the fucking batteries from some power source that may not be clean…so stop driving around like you’re Captain Planet here to save the fucking world with your climate activism bullshit in the form of 100,000 dollar cars…

It’s the same as seeing Leo DiCaprio, who just bought another 10 million dollar house as an investment, he’s got a portfolio of them, because he really cares about the climate…LIAR…on his private jet…

But yeah, the TESLA marketed as the “IT” Vehicle to have, the IPHONE of cars, and mothercuckers flock to the shit hard…

Which is probably why a basic, unimpressive, child sold to the reality TV industry, only to sell pics of her in her panties online to the fans, because brands don’t give a fuck about her, there are too many other whores to give a fuck about….but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t get paid.

I guess for white trash, fetal alcohol syndrome, daughter of a drunk farmer from Michigan….getting that TESLA is far better than living in an RV on METH with 3 crack babies you strip to support…RIGHT…RIGHT…

If you’re wondering how she paid for it….here’s a Jordyn Jones Twerk


Jordyn Jones Tesla of the Day December 13th, 2021