Lena Dunhams Tit in 2012 Because I hate you of the Day

I saw this GIF floating around, it disgusted me, but reminded me that she’s FAR worse now.

I mean 2012 was a long fucking time ago….and bitches, even the hot ones, and this pile of dog shit is not the hot ones, she just packaged herself as one because she’s like the fat fuck at the party who gets a kick out of showing people how small his dick is, you know the guy…his insecurities shine through so hard that he makes it part of his annoying to be around personality….

You don’t need me to campaign against Lena Dunham for the various reasons she’s the worst and likely STILL the worst…

You can just look at the GIF I decided to post it because I hate you…

That’s all I got.

Lena Dunhams Tit in 2012 Because I hate you of the Day December 15th, 2021