Hot Based Bitch Calls Out Evil Trump of the Day

I think it’s safe to say that TRUMP is evil and on the wrong side of the spiritual war, because what do you expect from some asshole who worships money, is homies with Epstein, and who basically single handedly paved the way to divide America….

I thought that Trump may have been a fluke, maybe he broke through a very corrupt system and he tried to take it back for the patriots…

But his vaccine pushing is fucking evil, based on everything we know about the vaccine, it’s fucking evil.

Not to mention, he doesn’t have the same energy he used to have, maybe he’s been compromised, maybe it’s a clone TRUMP, I don’t know…ALIEN INVASION TRUMP….which is why they took away his social media, knowing people would catch on and say “Not my trump”…

But listening to that idiot praise Big Pharma like a cuck as it fucks his wife is fucking DARK…and that motherfucker gives me creepy fucking vibes…but so do all these motherfuckers.

I don’t live in America and I am not American, so who cares right….I agree…

I’m here for the hot tits calling him out like this girl…BIG fan of anyone who speaks out against this insanity and who sees that NONE of this shit makes ANY fucking sense, as more and more places are locking down more and more aggressively….BAD BAD bro….

Fuck Trump…that narcissistic puppet who NEVER cared about the working man, he cared about manipulating them for his own personal agenda…

MONSTERS. Manipulating that masses….

This is a war against humanity, WAKE UP.



Hot Based Bitch Calls Out Evil Trump of the Day December 22nd, 2021