Workout Wednesday of the Day

I wouldn’t say that I am the object of fucking health and wellness, this is hardly a blog about getting GAINS or 6-pack abs or other shit that fat fucks shouldn’t have an opinion on…I’m just here for the tits…

But I will say that 90 percent of the people I know who got the experimental shot, who are scared shitless of COVID, who don’t know any of the actual data, who want more lockdowns because being a sub to the people at the top is their fetish….are not into health and wellness.

I am sure you’ve seen the memes of all the MONSTER health officials around the world who all look like they are demons about to die or eat your babies….convincing me that this is an ALIEN invasion….because they aren’t human or if they were once human…their brains aren’t anymore….

I am also sure you’ve seen fat fuck memes of fat girls after their shot advocating for health…

Then there’s the memes about fast food being essential, gyms being non essential, coupled with historic industrialization of foods people think are healthy, but actually make them sick….

IF THEY CARED ABOUT YOUR HEALTH…they’d give everyone vitamins, good foods, and gym access…but that’s not what they do…because they don’t care about health…

It is well documented at this point that fat kills, even with COVID, fat people fall harder than the non fat, so if you’re not taking care of your health, working out, eating well, while ADVOCATING people follow rules that don’t make sense like MASKS, SOCIAL DISTANCING, CURFEWS and LOCKDOWNS, VACCINE PASSPORTS, etc….than you’re a piece of shit…

If you’re not taking care of your health, working out, eating well while NOT caring about dying of COVID, then at least look at fit bitches doing it, to feel part of the SOLUTION not the problem…

Fitness is for overly ambitious people, I get it….BUT THAT doesn’t mean we can’t stare at their tits…..while ignoring WALMART looking white girls in XXXL spandex trying to tell us how to live, when clearly their lives are fucking miserable…

Workout Wednesday of the Day December 22nd, 2021