Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Some people would argue that pants too tight are not worth wearing because they don’t hide anything…yet no one is walking around nude…what’s up with that….since they

might as well be nude…but that would be SLUTTY an you can’t have that…

I would argue, or mud wrestle, since it is more fun than arguing, MUD WRESTLING is the cure to ALL things…WE need politicians to mud wrestle, or the VAX and the UNVAXX, the woke and the UNWOKE, the ANTI-FASCISTS and the other Anti-Fascists who both think are FASCIST….MUD WRESTLE out the differencs.

I’d mud wrestle you that eventually pants worn in public will be ass-less, crotchless, to show the people the goods while keeping the legs warm…you know CHAPS….easy access or to LET everyone know your pronouns without them having to ask….because it will start with a trans dude exposing his dick….

But I’m a romantic, a man into modesty, so I prefer seeing full cunt and anus on peopl I don’t know through their pants, it’s aspirational, something to work towards…rather than LABIA everywhere…but I may update this post when I start seeing cunt in public and love it in ways I never expected…but until then…KEEP it in your tight pants, you’re practically nude anyway….which I guess is my argument I’d use to get them out of the tight pants in the first place.

I confuse myself.

Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day December 28th, 2021