Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Tiny Tits are wonderful, manageable, and despite getting less views on social media, because big tits are better performers…you know the big tits get the stage show with the spotlight on them…while the small tits are the understudy who may never quite make it but that doesn’t mean they aren’t as talented…they are just harder to see from the balcony seats….the tiny tits are the benchwarmers…the big tits the star and the tiny tits sometimes think that big tits will make them better…forgetting that big tits sag the fuck out, nipples to the stomach, oftentimes gross, unmanageable and sloppy…while the tiny tits have LONGEVITY.

I guess that makes no sense, but we’re talking tiny tits being statistically hotter than big tits, but good big tits, the rare breed of tit, makes girls think their tiny tits have less value…and that’s not true…they’re hot…this is proof.

Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day December 28th, 2021