Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Girls producing content around their cametoes is a pretty good time because I like to think of the DVD commentary that would come with this genius production, you know some BTS of them pulling pants up into themselves as they prepare for the photoshoot on their phone or computer…because they like the world to see their pussy…like a dude holding his boner in his sweatpants on public transit but the less aggressive version because it’s ladies showing cunt.

I personally like the pussy wedgies because it allows me to assume a bitch is really a bitch and not a dude who is pretending to be a bitch because with the fillers and make-up tutorials they watch it’s hard to decipher what’s what when no one seems human.

So I am a fan of this behavior, especially in public, it’s the hat tip, wink, thumbs up, a-okay sign of “don’t worry you’re not being a faggot by wanting to fuck me”…not that fags would be into fucking men who dress like ladies…it’d be more the closet case trying to delay his coming out…you know the gateway to fagism…and yes I say fag because I’m tired of good words being collectively decided are hate speech…when they are perfectly good words that don’t invoke hate….calling a gay dude a fag is not with hate….a word CANNOT be hate…..but dragging a gay behind a pick-up truck in BOYS DON’T CRY…could be..

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day December 29th, 2021