The Ratio Tuesday of the Day


I am just a pervert creeper from the internet, so I don’t care about the people still pushing the “TRUST THE SCIENCE” dismissive “You’re an idiot so just do what we tell you”….”don’t do you own research, just listen to us even though we are opportunistic fucks”….the whole “trust the science” is actually “anti-science” since “science” is an ongoing thing that just doesn’t have a definitive answer…especially when the “science” we are being told to “trust” doesn’t make any sense to our simple pervert creeper from the internet minds….and not making sense isn’t in a “well, I’m not a scientist” way…you know when someone shows me website code and I think “that’s way above my write smut no one reads for free pay grade”….it’s more “even I see holes in the science or what they are pushing on us as science”….but it’s 2022, and forgetting that all this insanity is going on, so we can start living again, is actually the better approach….I’m just using it as an example to prove that I am not anti-science, since science has proved that the right WAIST TO HIP ratio is hotter to men, no matter the weight or size of said WAIST or HIP….so long as it is of that proportion….which also proves that BODY POSITIVITY FROM FATTIES is not as hot as they want us to pretend it is, sure they can get in bikinis and lingerie and even fuck EVERY DUDE to fill their empty fat lives…since dudes fuck anything…BUT it’s SCIENTIFICALLY not as hot to men….then the whole tranny thing, where they say you are a transphobe for not wanting to fuck a tranny, like they are forcing you or guilting you into fucking trannies…and SCIENTIFICALLY…they can’t have the right ratio, they are dudes…so DEBUNKED….I am just a man into chicks with a feminine body…wire that way….to KNOCK THEM UP…or at least want to knock them up…or at least cum on my belly while thinking about knocking them up…


The Ratio Tuesday of the Day January 4th, 2022