Workout Wednesday of the Day

I saw the CNN or some other propagandist was finally pushing “Health and Wellness is actually a great way to deal with COVID”….

In a giant fuck you to anyone who said “the old and fat and sick are dying of this shit”….this entire time because some people look at the numbers, the DATA, and don’t just trust some puppet on TV or some angry mom scared of a virus screaming “TRUST THE SCIENCE” in the most ignorant fucking way…..

So instead of pushing supplements, vitamin D, some IVERMECTIN, workout MANDATES and access to HEALTHY foods, they just pushed an experimental shot that got us no where, people are sicker than EVER…thanks LIARS…

Fat fucks are still on social media mad at a fit Joe Rogan for being fit and able to survive covid without shitty vaccines that are making people sick…

It’s fucking nuts…

Now I realize that working out is a pain in the ass, it takes effort, as does eating well, and you’d have to be crazy to be into “health and wellness” shit…some kin of over achiever…but if you’re not into it, like I am not into it, you can’t have the people who are healthy locked up because you’re unhealthy and scared…YET that’s what is happening in Canada…and it’s weird..

Now I realize that working out sucks, being healthy sucks and that you’ve chosen your die prematurely cuz it’s easier….but that doesn’t mean you can’t look at chicks doing healthy shit being hot…since my MANTRA or Life Philosophy is one of “NO FAT CHICKS ALLOWED”…

Stop listening to sick, gross, monstrous looking people disguised as health workers….start jerking off to fit chicks.

Workout Wednesday of the Day January 5th, 2022