There was a time when I thought, probably along with the rest of the world, that Heather Graham was the hottest shit Hollywood had to offer…from Roller Girl to Austin Powers and the Hangover and I guess whatever else in between, she had tits worth lookin’ at…
She’s old now, less exciting now. probably filtered or filled as these girls do, but she’s still got the tits and you know what…good tits may not defy the aging process, or what I like to call PUSSY ROT…or medically PUSSY NECROSIS…google it….it coul turn you gayer than you are…cum eater…we don’t buy your “trying to get my zinc back into my system after I bust in my hand story”….like I don’t buy the piss drinkers trying to drink their nutrients back into themselves…ya’ll are just weird…but then again I’m the one posting 50 year olds in bikinis thinking it’s hot….
You know, there was a time when I’d buy 50+ magazines for friends on their birthday as a FUCK you…because it was gross…YET here we are…50+ porn the website version…NEVER my dream…but fuck it…who needs dreams…