Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you’ve got a pussy, you might as well jack your panties up inside it, or your pants…because with the advent of filters, cheap plastic surgery so you can make yourself look like your avatar, the whole state sponsored gender reassignment surgeries that will likely end up in a lot of unhappy people, I mean I know people who have regrets about tattoos they got when they liked a specific band in their late teens….and now it’s branded on them….cutting your dick off a whole other ballgame…

But yeah, with the face injections, the transgendered being able to pull off the sugar baby lifestyle and look better than most girls, since they are born dudes and know what dudes like…BLOWJOBS…DUDES LIKE BLOWJOBS….especially suprise unplanned blowjobs…

ANYWAY…I don’t know if girls are flashing pussy to say “REAL GIRL OVER HERE”….or just because they like the way it feels…or like the dudes looking at the fatness and HUNGER of their labia….

I just know it happens, and this is the extent of my DOCUMENTARIAN work…they call me KEN BURNS of pussy wedgies…doing those DEEP digs…literally…just not for PBS…since it hasn’t become a jerk off site yet…BUT IT WILL…they all do….

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day January 12th, 2022