Cynthia Nixon Non Binary Sex of the Day

Cynthia Nixon is a real life lesbian, I almost wrote MEXICAN, but that’d be racist to the MEXICANS, since they don’t want some pasty ass ginger appropriating their PASSPORT, even though I am sure there are thousands of pasty ass gingers who are mexican, because RACIST AMERICANS don’t realize that MEXICO is an industrialized country and that MEXICO has people of all ethniciitis…and not just some SANCHO working the tortilla stand…with his Moustache and Sombrero…you know the ICON the WHITE AMERICANS WHO THINK THEY ARE WOKE use for their CINCO DE MAYO EVENTS…

DOn’t you love that I am so retarded / A.D.D. that I’m here talking about Mexicans and Mexican racism, when I’m posting some Cynthia Nixon, a LESBIAN, who plays a MARRIED woman on TV, that is APPROPRIATION as they only want people who are of that category playing the role of people in said category….remember when Jared Leto played a TRANNY, despite him possibly being a TRANNY, I mean he does have very feminine features…..the world went MENTAL….HOW DARE THEY…..meanwhile transgenders are winning Golden Globes instead of women but in the women category….SLIPPERY SLOPE..

Anyway, Cynthia Nixon, who I’ve never done a post on before apparently, is fucking a NON BINARY in the show, the NON BINARY reminds me of most lesbians I’ve met, but let them do their whole GENDERLESS speech that sounds like a bad, childish COLLEGE presentation…since I don’t give a fuck about any of that CUT THEIR TITS OFF weirdness..

The point of the story is that here’s some 50-60 year old TITS on TV…being progressive as she simulates sex with this character to make sure the WOKE agenda is properly respected for their fan base, otherwise what would people do…I mean imagine if Cynthia Nixon just fucked another chick like she does in life…THAT isn’t woke enough….gotta keep shit modern and this is what they consider modern….

I ain’t jerking off to it…BUT you might.


Cynthia Nixon Non Binary Sex of the Day January 13th, 2022