Weed Wednesday of the Day

Cannabis, or as the people in the Amazon documentary I watched 10 minutes of like to call it, GOD’s PLANT, that has all kinds of amazing medicinal benefits, including SHRINKING and POTENTIALLY CURING cancer, but also most recently attributed to preventing COVID from entering CELLS and spreading in your body, which you’d think would be HUGE fucking news, but instead is probably huge fucking news for the pharma companies to further suppress and lable MISINFORMATION, not DISINFORMATION, because the information is REAL, just not in-line with their narrative of EVERYONE IN THE WORLD MUST GET VACCINATED BY SOMETHING THAT ARGUABLY DOESN’T WORK AT ALL….SO take more of it….because if it dosn’t work the first two or three times the fourth or fifth time will CLEARLY work…as athletes in their 20s drop dead around the world after taking it…BUT AT LEAST THEY DIDN’T GET A BAD COLD they would have survived…AND even FUNNIER….those who got the shot are all getting fucking COVID…the virus they got the shot to prevent…and EVEN funnier…they pretend that is the point of the vaccine…TO STILL GET COVID…fucking DUMBOS…

Anyway, this is about weed, weed girls, and the obvious reasons why weed was made illegal….and the questionable motivation in making it legal…and actually enforcing…people ALLOWED their lawmakers to shut down an awesome fucking plant for no fucking reason besides biting into profits in their other industries….FUNNY.

But now they are making it legal, which I don’t really trust, but like to think they are not weed smokers, so they think it will keep people lazy, dumb, on the couch streaming shitty documentaries on God’s Plant….thanks AMAZON….while making tax money off the weed…not realizing it is God’s Plant and thus will ELEVATE EVERYONE’S collective consciousness to realize we live in a fucked up simulation and that nothing is real…it’s just by design to keep us enslaved or some shit….

Anyway, these heroes doing slutty weed content are fighting the good fight, or whatever….who cares…let’s get HIGH.

Weed Wednesday of the Day January 19th, 2022