Workout Wednesday of the Day

Normalizing obesity, calling it fitness….that’s the era we are currently in…because if you label it fitness despite it being fat…then it no longer is fat even though it is still fucking fat…

I know there are stories about how fitness leads to a healthy and better life, but those people who used to push that propaganda don’t factor in that living a long healthy life isn’t everyone’s dream…some of us like to sit, rot and die after too much shitty fast food and lack of exercise…

The whole fat people being fit, although absurd, is pretty inclusive….and makes people feel good…so where’s the harm in that…they’re going to die from being fat anyway…let them live in delusions of laziness…

I laugh when I see fatties whine about unattainable body image in the media…dumbos… unattainable bodies are attainable if people choose to work at it and try, only in a society of victims, lazy victims, why would they ever try…when they can still be fitness influencers getting brand deals from fitness brands all without ever breaking a sweat….

Workout Wednesday of the Day January 19th, 2022