Katy Perry Brings Insane Propaganda of the Day

When Katy Perry isn’t showing off her big sloppy tits, that typically match her sloppy body, and her cankles…she’s pretty fucking awful.

There’s not doubt that the fake Christian, turned party girl, sold her soul to the entertainment industry and won at life, at least financially, because she’s one of the biggest stars of the last 20 years, all without having a single good song….CLEARLY the devil was hard at work…

If you were to dig into Katy Perry’s family, you may understand why she is a satanist being used to manipulate the minds of the youth, her great uncle was Charles Schwabb….who owned a company called US Steel….her mothr’s brother was the director of MOMMY DEAREST…so there were no humble beginnings, she’s part of the system….so don’t be DUPED.

Anyway, in typical satanist globalist evil agenda pushing, the bitch made a MASK, the symbol of all this fucking EVIL, because they don’t actually work for anything buy VIRTUE signaling and if anything just make people sick….but yeah, she made a face mask part of her show….and it gives me the fucking creeps…an that is why I had to post it…

Agenda pushers…THAT IS HER FUCKING JOB….all to manipulate the people…FUCKING MONSTERS…

Where the TITS at?!

Katy Perry Brings Insane Propaganda of the Day January 20th, 2022