Kendall Jenner Trying Hard (barely) of the Day

I guess the Kardashians have a strong grip on the pop culture media companies, because their stories get views, so they keep pushing this influencer family of trash, thanks to the spell they’ve got them under….because these Kendall in a bikini in the snow for no reason besides being a half naked slut in the snow…I mean other than to give the people some fodder to mindlessly push on people, and to probably start a new trend of BIKINI in the snow, which is hardly a new trend, I am sure Kendall’s even done this before, but why reinvent yourself, or try to do original shit, when all it takes is a series of shitty pics to go viral…

So yeah, I’ve seen these pics about 12 times on a bunch of sites in my newsfeed, they went viral, because the people are under the Kardashian spell and can’t seem to break free from it….instead they act like these are a big deal, when they aren’t a big deal….

I guess the good news is that at least she’s not the other Kardashiams, because at least she’s got a standard woman body you’d want to look at, while the others are just freakishly built…even BRUCE got a better body than they do…

I don’t know if that counts as good news….but it’s a skimpy bikini in the snow and I guess that’s fun, even when you’re a miserable fuck.


Kendall Jenner Trying Hard (barely) of the Day January 21st, 2022