Faith Schroder Cosplay of the Day

Did the world collectively apologize to Ricky Schroder for sending some money to Rittenhouse’s bail when he knew taht Rittenhouse was innocent, acting in self defence against a bunch of criminals or counter-protestors who were either hired or into destroying people’s cities for the sake of internet political activism that’s just manipulating brainwashing bullshit…..

I mean if you haven’t, the best way to do it is to jerk off to his hot daughter in some insane outfit, acting like it is Halloween when it’s not…CRAZY I know…but when you’re a celebrity rich kid, even if your dad hasn’t been a celebrity in decades, he’s still rich as shit and that trickles down to his kids…allowing them to be the shameless attention seeking brats that their entire generation is.


Faith Schroder Cosplay of the Day January 27th, 2022