Due to a lack of FROG BUTTS – because girls aren’t posting FROG BUTT pose as much as WE need them to do…which is probably a good thing because I used every FROG BUTT joke that I could possibly think of and NONE were good…
I was forced to go back to the drawing board and find another FRINGE GROUP of women doing a SIMILAR slutty act for the internet, in the form of PICTURES and VIDEOS that start with the LETTER “F” because that’s how basic and retarded that’s about the capacity I have in the creative process after 18 years of failure.
I came up with FATTY FRIDAYS…where I would point and laugh at FATTIES….and then I came up with FEMINIST FRIDAYS…but not blue haired dudes on hormones who cut off their dick feminists….I’m talking old school “I don’t wear a bra” feminists…even though no one wears a bra….SO this “feminism” dates me…but this “feminism” is the good kind of “taking off my bra to fight the patriarchy”….like sucking dick on camera for money to fight the patriarchy…but less insane and misguided!!