Canadian Truckers Convoy Fighting for Freedom of the Day

I keep happy dancing flag carrying patriotic Canadians being called Nazis….

You probably haven’t been to Canada but there’s really not a deep rooted racist group here, we’ve been WOKE in our media since as long as I can remember….there has always ben racial motivated casting in their TV shows and in their news broadcasting….

So calling middle class Truckers and the millions of people they’ve inspired to UNITE over body autonomy and FREEDOM….a group of NAZIS, when what they are fighting for is the end of segregation….seriously fucking offends me.

When their leader goes into hiding instead of facing his constituents who he represents, when he’s supposed to be LEADING them, whether they have the same political views as him, is fucking weird…

When their leader makes divisive speeches, that unfortunately a lot of people take at face value because they are only exposed to the negative….you know it’s important to spread the fucking word….even thought their leader is supposed to WORK FOR THEM….

When you know the globalist depopulation agenda to turn the world communist and that the people pushing that have already name dropped your leader as one of their poser boys, you know that he’s bought, mind controlled, trained for this moment….WE KNOW WHO HE WORKS FOR…..

I like to hope the Truckers and their supporters win the fight, obviously, I think we’re all doomed, bug food, but HOPE is a wonderful thing…and seeing PATRIOTS waving their flag, for freedom and rights…when there’s been ABUSE of power in the biggest fucking way….it’s fucking awesome to see….

Not as awesome as TUCKER ripping their leader to shreds last night…watch the intro:

This is inspiring to anyone who still has a soul..seeing these people criticized for what they are doing by the woke blue haired communist pussies out there….is a reminder to keep on supporting the good fight, whether they win or lose, at least they came together and celebrated what it means to be Canadian one last time!

Evil is hard at fucking work as the media push lies, to confuse the normies, so that they can make all this disappear and they can go back to the great reset they are planning….it’s really unfortunate that 20 million Canadians haven’t shown up in Ottawa…but I guess we’ll have to see how all that unfolds….

This may be a false flag, psy-op, set up, part of the controlled collapse, but it’s AMAZING….GO TRUCKERS!

Canadian Truckers Convoy Fighting for Freedom of the Day February 1st, 2022