Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

It this era of nothing is real, it’s nice to know that TITS are real…..

You know there’s comfort in knowing that with all the insanity out there, the one thing you can believe in, is that tits are real…

Until you remember that tits are not all real, because girls with hot small tits feel insecure thanks to the media celebrating big tits, so they slaughter their big tits, and implant them with sacks of shit, only to have beach balls in their body, under their titty so that people like you can pretend the small tit with the beach ball surgically implanted in them.

I guess my love for tits is real, even though not all tits are real…but these Tiny Tits, are most likely real, so that is why I celebrate those who haven’t fallen into the pressures of the propaganda they face DAILY.


Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day February 1st, 2022