On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

I am a wishful thinker…

I mean I am not actually a wishful thinker….

I am a doomsdayer who is convinced that the end is near, that the Messiah is coming to save us all, but first the anti-christ must do some more bullshit in his attempt to control the collapse of society…you know because I am a rational thinker who realized it’s a spiritual war with inter-dimensional beings….or at least a bunch of fucking assholes who are a different kind of human than us…

I like to think we are living in END TIMES….it’s a good excuse not to do anything, even though I’ve always had that excuse knowing we can die at anytime…

But I like to feel hopeful that the Truckers for Freedom will put enough pressure on the people in charge to drop their bullshit vaccine passports that don’t fucking work….you know, it could happen, there’s already some movement against the segregation they put on society…it COULD happen so it’s better to think it will for a free future…than the alternative..

I also like to feel hopeful that if the Truckers do get the vaccine passports dropped, because they make no sense on any level, and the whole “we do it to protect the unvaccinated” is dog shit lies….but figure we could use the tech they invested in, your TAX dollars for good…and that good would be On/Off passports…if bitches don’t upload their daily nude to compare to their daily outfit of the day….then they get sent off to camps…I mean make tyranny more fun….fighting over medicine is BORING…fighting over TITTIES is hot..

On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day February 4th, 2022