Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

There’s a lot of insanity going on right now, which is why you should sign up to my newsletter, you know for when they turn off the internet, which they haven’t really done quick enough, this reset is slow and drawn out…Not that I know how to send a NEWSLETTER….but when they turn off the internet, I’ll try….

We’re at the point in the insanity where they are censoring free speech hard, we already knew that “Cancel Culture” was out of fucking control and designed to help a certain group and I am convinced only only 10% of the population fall for it, are outraged and offended by it, but the other 90% of the population is scared to say “shut up you fucking pussy”….so they go along with it…you know trying to be good people…because at its core, it’s hard to support or endorse someone saying evil, mean spirited, racist, homophobic, ignorant shit…you know, most people would rather laugh at it to themselves, then be the ones saying “let people say racist shit, freedom of speech”….HOWEVER, if you do say dumb shit, you should stand by it, never fold, because they’ll see your weakness and try to dig deeper and deeper….

Just this weekend, Joe Rogan cucked and begged for apologies after using a forbidden word….which any white person knows to never fucking say….because it feels dirty to say..because it is a dirty word….But if you’re the kind of person who says it 100 times in your online show that made you millions, you sort of need to own it, rather than tail between your legs trying to justify it to people who already decided they want you dead.

Apologies seem fake, contrived and don’t HELP the cause….dick sucking those who want you dead, when you should typically ignore the people who want you dead, or at least avoid them…addressing it….just validates their cause, lets them taste blood, and makes them eager to go harder….

We are dealing with legit backwards thinking lunatics, the second you acknowledge them, you’ve lost…

Especially when they are actually campaigning against a motherfucker for not spreading the stories they want him to, by featuring the experts they CENSORED, not buying into their corporate media control so they hit it from 100 different angles NO ONE actually gives a fuck about…..but that when you make apology videos, people start thinking you did something wrong…..even if you didn’t…

Then I saw Jimmy Carr, a “shock comic” who I’ve seen live a few times at an event called “The Nasty Show”, which Bob Saget hosted a few times, and the whole point of those comics is the shock value, say everything and anything you can to shock people in a clever and perverted way…

Carr typically does kid fucking jokes and other shit, so you know he’s probably one of the elites…which was further confirmed with his recent Netflix special that involved mocking the UNVACCINATED and playing them up as evil or idiots….

You see, in this WEIRD backwards world, NOT taking a mandated experimental shot that is experimental gene therapy medicine that could do all kinds of fucked up shit to you, is seen as evil….you can lose your job over it…because MARKETING WORKS…

So he’s being cancelled for a Holocaust joke that was IN that same special now….because there’s NO coming out of that one…so instead of calling out the unvaccinated for being pure bloods, getting their support, he shat on them, then shat on the never happy woke, and dude will never work again….smart strategy…YOU CAN’T PLEASE these people….

Speaking of the Mandates and Holocausts, which is a whole other insane thing going on in Canada. On the live feeds you see kids playing, people dancing and hugging maskless, fighting to end mandates and for freedom…you see people of all colors, races, backgrounds united and not participating in their overlord’s dictatorship….not a racist flag in sight, because freedom isn’t a race issue, but if you can make anything racist, you try, it helps you reach the simple minded idiots you need behind you to cancel freedom events like this….

Anyway, they are declaring states of emergencies, they are seizing Trucker fuel…THEY even seized trucker fundraised money….9 million of it…just like that…because THEY do not agree with the cause…a glimpse into SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE…definitely…”We don’t like you, money turned off”….TO THINK THESE ARE THE PEOPLE VOTED IN TO REPRESENT THE PEOPLE OF THE LAND….now turning on a segment of the people in the LAND that don’t agree with them…that’s WEIRD leadership.

All they have to do is end the money making vaccine mandates, that’s all they have to do, but why would they do that…why would they listen to the people they represent, but clearly DO NOT represent… and the state of emergency ends….the protests end…we all go back to living a normal life…but they won’t do that….they don’t WANT you to have a a normal life…they want to POLICE you more….they want to use this to POLICE you more…to make more rules, to seize more money and to really make you realize you’re a fucking slave…..because policing everyone is all part of the reset they have planned….not FREEDOM…more rules and if you don’t follow along or speak out against them….and if you don’t have the same opinion, or push the same lies….you will shut down for THOUGHT CRIMES….and other things…

Get ready for that reset with some stepLINKS in the Morning….CLICK THEM WHILE YOU ARE STILL FREE and DELETE FB/IG/TWITTER when you can….they just made the work “HONK” against their TERMS and CONDITIONS….

Karen Hart’s Bikini in the Jungle


Hot Model Mar Titties in the House


J.Lo Does Rolling Stone Cover at 100 Years Old


Hot WAG of the Day – Veronica Bielik


MyHouseIsDirty does a Rat Prank in a Grocery Store –


Kanye and Kim Still Milking the Media for Attention – All Part of Their SHow


Crazy Boy in Public Prank


Compare the Wealthiest People on Earth Using 3D Models


Brian Austin Green’s Genes Keep Spreading


Why Lotus Silk is So Expensive




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day February 7th, 2022