Shutting Up White Racists Who Think Freedom is Racist and are Campaigning For Marginalized Groups they’ve Identified Through their Woke Racism… and Other Videos of the Day

Mask Activist Nut Cases


Some Mask Activists

Freedom Fighters Not Being Violent.

Freedom Fighters Not Being Violent part 2.

Do they know who ends up in the Gulag First?

Counter Protestor Stages Being Run Over…

Cool Feature for the Truck…

People with NO gender talk GENDER all the time. It is as if they have nothing going on…

People who think their country flag is racist are Freedom hating communists…ENEMY of the people.

The Gov’t Used Tax Dollars to Book Out Hotel Rooms to discourage people from Going to Protest.

Interesting perspective on politics and brainwashing.

Shutting Up White Racists Who Think Freedom is Racist and are Campaigning For Marginalized Groups they’ve Identified Through their Woke Racism… and Other Videos of the Day February 7th, 2022