Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I had a very important conversation with a girl I met on the street about the difference between panties and underwear…why is some underwear called panties while other underwear is just called underwear…her conclusion was that it is all underwear but the panties are just the part the cover the cunt….you know the DRIP PAN….but they are still underwear…so panties are underwear but not all underwear is panties…..

If you’re wondering why I had a conversation with a stranger about underwear or panties, the age old debate because girls used to HATE the word panties, it would make them feel violated…and now they wear panties for three days to sell to strangers from the internet….with all kinds of dirtier descriptions than just panty….it’s because whenever you talk panty with a girl in an inquisitive, non threatening way, she will either describe her panties, or admit to not wearing panties, or if you’re lucky show you the panties…and it may not get them horny, it may not lead to a fuck…but when you’re marred for 20 years…it’s almost enough to jack off to….

So don’t be shy, have that panty conversation with strangers, it’s far better than the argument with the anti-freedom evil anti-human demons who run off the same script telling you to get vaccinated or to wear your mask or some other insanity….like they are agents of the devil…

Keep all conversations in your life…PANTY RELATED…and some good talking points when it comes to panties, since you may not want to ask them about their underwear immediately, you gotta warm them up and work towards that…could be the panty vs underwear research I was doing for a personal project today…..it could be the thong vs full back panty conversation….it could even be about how thongs don’t cover the asshole if you’re willing to get into orifices…or it could just be you distain towards the CANCELING and BANNING of full back panties in the late 90s…like they wore blackface or some shit…

These are FULLBACK panties to reclaim the GRANNY PANTY…and remind you that all panties are hot even when they are not…you know shit filled, period stained, etc….THEY ARE STILL PANTIES!

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day February 11th, 2022