Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Support our healthcare workers…buy their nudes…

I guess the PANDEMIC isn’t officially over yet, even if it should be according to me, because I am an expert in PUBLIC HEALTH as you may or may not know….and in being an expert in PUBLIC HEALTH, mainly from licking toilets and being forced to deal with the consequences of getting PUBLIC TOILET created health issues….but yeah, the nurses, still heroes, still producing smut to compensate for not being paid enough, and without the 1940s style nurse uniforms, but rather the orderly scrubs, I have a hard time finding it hot…I just think of bodily functions and bodily fluids and NOT the good kind…

I do like seeing professional hard working people moonlight as sex workers…its funny…and you can jerk off to it…far easier than a typical medical procedure you’d be getting when you see scrubs coming your way, which could be more embarrassing or scary….so keep the smut for the internet…and keep the hospitals for treating the sick and dying…or some shit….

These nurses are wild. It’s as if the pandemic made them crazy in the right way.

Medical Worker Monday of the Day February 14th, 2022