Workout Wednesday of the Day

Despite the propaganda they push on motherfuckers about forced medications, or other bullshit, the real key to health and wellness is diet and exercise…eat well, workout, then sleep well, thrive….

Taking medicines, being lazy, eating dog shit food full of chemicals that disrupt your hormones and basically poison you…is how you barely hold on…because you feel like shit every fucking day…exhausted…miserable…your body SCREAMING for nutrients…or some sort of movement to build muscles to carry your obesity down the street to buy more junk food….

Working out is a lot of fucking work, a lot of effort…it’s easier to be a fucking sloth pig stain on society…which is why everyone is fat…they’ve just given up and no matter how normalized they try to make it…it’s a fucking failure….it’s a total disrespect for life…it’s disgusting…ESPECIALLY when you’re a woman, because there’s a double standard here….there’s absolutely no excuse for fatties…which is why I am fully supportive of these half naked fitness girls being fit….and slutty…which I guess is just the way ladies are now….slutty…and not fit enough.

This is motivation for you to go jack off in front of gym windows until you get arrested….because you need to make moves in the world….leave your mark…all over the door handle.

Workout Wednesday of the Day February 16th, 2022