Ashley Greene Bikini Tits of the Day

Ashley Greene’s out here with her bikini top….because I guess when you matter for a few minutes, you have a taste of it, like when a rabid animal gets a taste for blood, they are just never the same, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this one had the taste of blood, not just because she’s in the Twilight Series and they are vampires….it’s the only real work she’s ever got, that she’s milked for all these years since….because it’s the difference between her being a someone and a middle aged slag craving attention…

I remember when she was dating a Jonas brother, pretending that they didn’t fuck, while knowing the only reason she existed was becasue she fucked, otherwise she’d be working at Hooters in Orlando or some shit, she’s from florida…

I guess the liar is trying to get some more hype around herself, I saw three paparazzi sets with her in the last few days…like she wasn’t fucking invisible…and she’s got some tits, and tits are fun…even when you know they’ve done some shit to get on this boat…even when you know they are old, expired milk filled….YOGURT.


Ashley Greene Bikini Tits of the Day February 18th, 2022