I wonder if many girls out there identify as not being feminists, because if I was a girl, and I may be, I would never fall into that bullshit trap….I don’t need to feel empowered for fighting for equal rights, I’d be too busy fighting to find the richest dude I could to get knocked up by….you know you’re born with a pussy for a reason…LET dudes worship it…it’s our NUMBER one motivator..
So as these idiots decided to remove themselves from being the QUEENS of our existence, to become our equals, our bosses, or fellow voters…you know for INDEPENDENCE…
Since being a slave to a corporation for shitty pay is way better than being the head of your household, the center of the universe for your husband and kids..
You suckers got it all wrong, I mean women are easy to manipulate, trick and convince of insanity…but that shit is INSANITY…
To make it even better, they think being braless is a campaign that helps their cause…because MEN are obviously the ones who created bras to make ladies uncomfortable all dday…because MEN aren’t the ones trying to get girls out of their bras every hour of the day…
Oh wait, maybe they should grow out their body hair…THAT will show men who will jerk off to you anyway…DESEXUALIZE yourself, so you can WORK your day job, before eventually selling your nudes for easy money…because you’ve been scammed!
It’s all so dumb….how can you not laugh.